New Patients

If you live within the practice boundaries we will be happy to register you at Ashburn. Please ask at reception for a registration form or alternatively you can register using the following link:

All new patients need to have 2 forms of identification.

A photo ID such as a:

  • driver’s licence,
  • passport
  • bus pass

and a letter with your full address on it such as:-

  • a bill
  • official letter

Before you can be fully registered you must see our nurse for a medical. Bring a list of any medications you take to this appointment.

Practice Area

Our Practice covers a vast area of Sunderland.

We take new patients from South Hylton, Pennywell, Ford Estate, Grindon, Millfield, Pallion, Hendon, East End, Ashbrooke, Grangetown, Humbledon, Hastings Hill, Farringdon, Hollycarrside, Ryhope and Moorside, which is our southern border.

We no longer take new patients from north of the river Wear but patients who move to this area can still remain with the practice.

Catchment Area

Non-urgent advice: Please note

Due to the number of requests received, distance and time constraints, our GPs are no longer able to provide home visits to any patients living north of the river wear or outside of the areas listed above.  Reluctantly we must suggest that any patient in these areas who have difficulty getting to the surgery for their appointments may wish to consider moving to a surgery closer to their home.